A Cuban gets wrapped in Folklore

Folklore Cuban

In our search for the perfect Cuban sandwich, me and Linds visited the quaint college hamlet of Elizabethtown recently to throw down on a Frankenstein interpretation of the gold standard. If the town sounds familiar, you’re probably thinking of the 2005 movie of the same name, starring the ageless Susan Sarandon. Welp, this is a different town. Hollie Baylor doesn’t live here. So it’s a good thing the food along the main drag has plenty of ‘mo.

Folklore Coffee & Co has a whole lot of that ‘mo I’m speaking of. These kids specialize in deliciously funky creations. This wasn’t my first visit to the place, so I have decided to gift you with a top five list of my favorite Folklore sandwiches. Their Cuban sammy isn’t on the list because, well . . . that would be anticlimactic now, wouldn’t it?

5- Bagel Sandwich with Lox, Onions and Capers– Breakfast rule number one for me? If lox is on the menu, it’s gonna be in ‘me belly soon after. And if you’re asking whether a kitschy little cafe in E-Town, Pennsylvania can deliver on the lox and bagels front? Nailed IT!!

4- Davey Crockett- I would have been perfectly content with turkey, bacon and cheddar with lettuce and tomatoes on wheat. But nooooo . . . they had to go adding some avocado and pepper mayo. And I had to force myself to take human bites.

3- Miss Annie Oakley- I dig cream cheese on my egg sammy, lots. Throw in some bacon and slap that puppy on a cinnamon raisin bagel, and I’m more in love than Dorothy Boyd in that hello scene from Jerry McGuire. 

2- Finn McCool- Roast beef married red onion while having a side thing with roasted red peppers. The feta cheese and dijon intervened and pumpernickel made sure they stayed together forever. Yes, there’s a lot of sexual innuendo in that review. They don’t call it food porn for nothing.

1- Isaac Newton- If not for gravity, this sandwich wouldn’t exist. That is some scary shit to ponder. Folklore was somehow able to make bologna cool again . . for the first time. The sammy consists of bologna, cream cheese, fig jam, roasted red peppers and spinach on a ciabatta roll. They made this fifty one year old chap look behave like this . . .

As for the Cuban sammy that Folklore deals up, let’s just say it doesn’t resemble the original. At all. For one thing, they forego the water bread in favor of a wheat wrap. And they add roast beef to the tilt. I’m guessing they were out of peanut butter and jelly when they were cooking this idea up in the lab. I kid because I am a traditionalist when it comes to the standard, and as such, I am envious of those food visionaries who would think to deconstruct and reconstruct this way, while brick-housing the flavah punch. 

We celebrate food because it possesses the ability to make us feel like little kids, where all the world is a science experiment and anything is possible. Folklore knows its science well, doling up crazy, tasty lessons that leave you feeling nourished in every single good way.

Musical Interlude:

While writing this post, I’m getting down to some Celia Cruz. I read somewhere that CC was the Hispanic Shakespeare, and I love that comparison very much indeed. Because with all this talk of science and flavah, here was a woman who merged the two with an improvisational rhythm all her own.


The Verdict

Okay, Imma cut to the quick here. The Folklore ain’t winning best Cuban sammy because they forego water bread in favor of a wheat wrap…and they add roast beef to the tilt. It’s sacrilege, but we ain’t gonna be the Pope about it. We simply decided that we were gonna have to deduct a few points . . as we scarfed it down. We took 2.5 points off the score . . . yup, because of the bread. Still, this was a very pleasant surprise. And so what if Fidel would thumb his nose at this? He’s dead. 

But Wait Theres More

I loves me some bonus round when it comes to my food, and you can thank Linds B for this one. She just got back from visiting Big Sister Jae© in Portland, Oregon. Before venturing off to the great northwest, she was given an assignment: Find a Cuban sammy in Portlandia and give us a review. Well, she hit a home run . . as per usual.

West coast Cubans, ya’ll! Stopped at a lovely little food stand called Que Bolá. The bread was pressed and absolutely delicious! Once again coming across the not-so-tragic issue of pork that was too tasty. Down side of this beauty; severe lack of pickles and mustard. I only came to realize that both ingredients were in fact there when taking my last few bites. As delicious as the sandwich was, I’m scoring this one with a 5 1/2 out of 10. 👍

Linds Cuban Sammy

Linds B is one tough grader. Which is why she loves playing bad cop to my good cop, even though I’m really the bad cop. Anyways, that’s a wrap on our Cuban sammy adventures for this time. Of course the pun was intended.

Peace, love and Cuban sammys . . .


37 thoughts on “A Cuban gets wrapped in Folklore

    • Greedy,

      It IS supreme. Like I said, I was dubious as to the follow through as per flavor, but it was every bit of the tasty I was hoping it might be.


  1. Well, Mark, my man. You have me stranded on an island with absolutely no access to Cuban sandwiches. We have recovered from Hurricane Harvey but am now tortured with the thought of laying my mouth around one of those beauties. So you understand, reading this article was like being tied up in a hotel room while a couple next door did their best to make lovemaking sound like the best thing since sliced bread. (unfortunate metaphor). Well, I guess I’ll have a ham and cheese and think of your descriptions. Good to read your stuff. I see you have been here for a while.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Searching for the a good bit of food is a great adventure. Speaking from experience as one of the Cincinnati Burger Guys on the hunt for the best burger in the city. Of the sandwiches above, the Crockett would be the one for me.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Bronx,

    I love how on this ost you are Marc Anthony! What up wit dat! And as I scrolled down, I saw the comment from Frank with a link to his post and guess what? We both visited that one 😉

    Anyhoo… Maybe the Cubano did not score very high but those other sammies? Me goodness they look and sound outta dis world!

    And I can see why you kept wanting to get Linds to write on the blog. Her short little snippet on the Qué Bola is delightful!

    Too bad I’m going out for sushi in a few… I kinda have a hankering for a Cubano now!



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