Top Five Heroes Of The Week

Reading up on the news is like receiving a personalized greeting card from Nietzsche in that there’s a one hundred percent chance you are gonna be exposed to some truly depressing shit.

Unlike with old Friedrich, most of the news ain’t worth the time spent teasing the abyss of our very souls. Like, I’m trying to be sympathetic to the ‘worst year’ of Ariana Grande’s life . . but she’s like twelve . . so there’ll be better years ahead, okay? And when Trump Jr. says the socialists are gonna have us eating dogs, I feel as if the boy needs to go back to Finishing school. Then there’s the recent survey which reports that seventy seven percent of millennials would give up booze and forty four percent would give up sex for an entire year. In favor of Amazon. Which means that if Ian Dury had been a millennial, he would’ve penned one of the all time most forgettable songs of a generation.

So when the news gives you lemons, tell the news to go fuck itself. Which is what I did this morning when I culled five good feels stories from the dumpster fire of breaking bad news that predominates our frequencies. I am calling it my Top Five Heroes Of The Week. The order I have followed here is for the purpose of dramatic crescendo only, because all of these stories rocked my casba equally so.

That’s the problem with good news, it ain’t need headlines.

5- A Tyler Perry “Lay” Up: Lord knows I have panned this dude countless times for that whole unfunny Madea series of movies. But this thing he did recently, where he paid off more than four hundred and thirty thousand dollars in Christmas layaways? Is the reason for the season. Righteous!

4- The “Advent”ures of The Notorious Q: Her real name is Dale, and her blog, A Dalectable Life, is like a supper table where everyone is invited and the stories are always entertaining. She’s doing a series of Advent posts this month in which she ‘calls out’ a different blogger every day. Yule love it!

3- A Champion Off The Court Too: I figured the only person Steph Curry of the Golden State Warriors had to listen to these days is his accountant. Turns out the two time MVP and three time NBA champion also listened to 9 year old Riley Morrison when she wrote to tell him that girls sizes in sneakers do matter. This is a sneaky great story from a really cool cat.

2- Home Is Where His Heart Is: What if you don’t have a big Under Armour deal like Curry? What if you have nothing at all, and you find $17,000 dollars? Kevin Booth answered that question when he found a bag full of cash that was just begging for the homeless thirty two year old to take it. Instead, he handed it over to a volunteer at the food bank he visited. I can’t pun this one, I got nothing.

1- A Lesson In Civility: I wouldn’t have blamed the Bush family for playing keep away with President Trump this week. The passing of their family patriarch, George H.W. Bush, was a time for family and friends; of which Trump is neither. Yes, he’s a sitting President, but he’s also a purveyor of pissed off rants, many of which have been directed at the Bush family.

No matter. Because sometimes, doing the right thing matters more than doing what is understandable and justified. The Bush family provided a much needed lesson in civility to a boss who doesn’t behave like a leader. And while it’s certain the lesson won’t stick with him, it sure does with me. Because sometimes, the best revenge is not wanting revenge at all.

Go in peace, look for the heroes.

44 thoughts on “Top Five Heroes Of The Week

  1. I agree with all your hero choices, Marc. There is a big difference in the way people hold themselves in times of grief. The Bush’s demonstrated to of all of us the best this country has to offer.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Ok, my laughter started with Ariana Grande. Then “So when the news gives you lemons, tell the news to go fuck itself”. And that was a hoot. Then I just smiled ear to ear when I read Dale – that’s the best advent calendar since my sister used to custom make them for our nieces and nephews. And Dale is pretty close to a tie, but the Bush’s win because as you pointed out they reminded us of civility. And in doing so, I hope they reminded us of what’s been lost. I said today I voted for him twice, but I realized I couldn’t vote for his first election. I wasn’t old enough. I voted for him the second time. I’d vote for him again. We can never have too many people leading us who have a moral compass whose north is civility. Cheers! Bravo and more!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Funny, I almost changed that lemons line to something less harsh sounding, LOL.

      How cool! Yeah, Dale’s advent idea was pretty cool indeed.

      And yes, the Bush family did provide us with a reminder of what we have lost. But also, of what can and will always be gained, no matter the current state of things.

      Thank you for the chime, sistah!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Ahhhhh
    No revenge at all
    Love that

    And I look forward to dale’s month of shoutout and already met the blogger named Robin through the posts…
    And sorryless – love the “Yule”

    Liked by 2 people

    • And those other news stories at the top weren’t even the crummy ones that most news agencies open with, imagine that.
      A hat tip to Q for finding the homeless man story. Made the hair stand up on my arms, wow!

      Peace to you Monika

      Liked by 2 people

  4. B,

    I don’t even know what to say. You have rendered me speechless. I know, that is a quasi-impossible task in and of itself!

    Your four other choices are the stuff I want to read about in the news. Actually, I never watch/read the news because it’s just too damn depressing. So Yay YOU for choosing to share the beautiful stuff. And seriously, excellent choices (glad I helped with the homeless one 😉 )

    To wonderful people who share the love and the joy,

    Q xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Alas, none of the Trumps went to finishing school. Peggy Noonan wrote a poignant piece on George Bush in Saturday’s Wall Street Journal that’s a worthy read. He wasn’t a rock star in the sense where he dazzled, but he was a decent man. He judged people by their character as opposed to pedigree. Liked that when I read it. I hate the news. Tired of all the dirt and slime and media back biting. Want to read uplifting prose like your Freddie Mercury piece. You should frame that. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Curry may very well be the greatest pure shooter in the history of the game. The fact that he happens to be a very good dude is icing on the cake.
      Yes indeed on the Bush family!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. 1. Tyler Perry – that was so awesome of him and not his 1st act of kindness. He just got caught this time.
    2. Checking out A Dalectable Life!
    3. Oh, the sneakers. Right on! Awesome of Steph Curry, but even bigger kudos to Riley Morrison for taking it to the mat!
    4. Kevin Booth probably understands the evil of money better than most of us. But, dude, that’s character!
    5. So George H. W. Bush, I wish I would have known earlier the dignity of this President….Uh humm…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, Perry doesn’t talk about his good deeds, which is quite commendable indeed.
      Check it out!
      Yes! That girl is going places!
      And Kevin Booth did give us a lesson in character with that one, you’re right.
      Isn’t it refreshing to say “dignity” and “President” in the same sentence?

      Liked by 1 person

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