24 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

  1. What a beautiful photo. I saved it in my photo file. It reminds me of softer, gentler times when life wasn’t in such constant peril. When you were little and innocent not having a care in the world. It’s also wonderful you took the time. That’s one of the world’s problems in my humble opinion. No one wants to be bothered taking the time. It’s awe-inspiring Dale. 👍

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    • Thank you, Susannah! Wow. Glad it inspired you enough to save it. I think we really do have to start taking the time. Maybe if we all do just a little bit… 🙂

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        • Oh, do I hear you, Susannah. We really have to force ourselves to stop and breathe and give the middle finger to the cyber hurry. But, we do risk being left behind, don’t we?

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