The Fight To Regain Sanity

There’s a scene in the movie Goodfellas when wig shop owner and independent bookmaker Morrie Kesseler gets whacked most unceremoniously by Tommy DeVito (played by Joe Pesci). One minute he’s climbing into a Cadillac with the intent of negotiating his share of a big score over coffee whilst picking up a danish to bring to his wife Claire, and the next minute his brain stem is being severed with an ice pick.

This scene reminds me of what’s happened to this country since the 2016 Presidential election. We are Morrie. We were promised a danish and what we got was an ice pick in the neck.

Regardless of whether you climbed into that Eldorado or not, you sure as shit are wearing cement shoes. I realize this analogy is anathema to those peeps who think watching Fox News makes them a patriot. They are plenty fine excusing the unsightly state of affairs in Washington, believing it to be a matter of renovation.

On the campaign trail, a Trump presidency promised to ‘drain the swamp’ of business as usual politics. Instead, it is simply giving us the business. As usual. But with glaringly unique consequences whose comedy is perverse, insidious and downright hateful. It is as if the American people have been written into the scripted cheat sheets of a reality show. Only thing is, the shit ain’t funny and the scenarios are toting generational price tags. And maybe the worst part of this whole sordid mess is that, in the end, we can’t really blame the Russians or the flagellating GOP, or even the fucking Kardashians. Nope, the cold hard truth of the matter is that we’re all to blame.

This is what happens when the nation stops paying attention to the box scores in Washington. This is what you get when an electorate is more well versed in pop culture than who their elected representatives are. We got complacent. We assumed sides mattered more than progress. Debates became more a matter of being right than of getting it right. Somewhere along the way, we lost our compass and we just let the winds lead us.

So we were saddled with a President who wants to build walls; never minding the fact that such a mindset is analogous with burning bridges. We have a President who believes in name calling and alternate terminology and yet wants us to believe he’s a modern day Churchill. I have to think old Winston could’ve taught Trump a thing or two about what a national emergency looks like. And how walls are nothing more than symbolic trinkets compared to the heart and soul of a nation’s ability to stand together.

Listen, I am a fairly middle of the road sonofabitch with nary a sacred cow in my arsenal. I didn’t believe in Trump back then the same as I don’t believe Ocasio-Cortez now. I have a problem with using the nuclear option to expedite judicial confirmation, no matter whether it’s Harry Reid threatening it or Mitch McConnell using it. Being middle of the road doesn’t make me vanilla ice cream. It makes me rocky road. I trust my eyes more than my ears, every single time. And what I’ve seen over the last couple of years troubles me. Not as a politically affiliated individual but as a human being.

Trump’s campaign slogan vowed to make America great again, which was both demeaning to the current generation and ignorant to the struggles of generations past. To my way of thinking, the greatest strength of any true democracy is in its future. You win today for tomorrow, in perpetuity. Our founding fathers understood the consequences of walking backwards.

It’s a lesson we’re still learning.

115 thoughts on “The Fight To Regain Sanity

  1. The biggest problem is that Trump started down the yellow brick road and the Dems have followed him willingly into this land of chaos. Trump is the master and most responsible for what has transpired the last couple of years, but the Dems have been his willing accomplices.

    The other point … the quality of the American people who have allowed this to happen. Indeed — it’s a perfect example of how technology, the internet, smartphones and social media have combined to make us dumber rather than smarter.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Trump once said his followers were so loyal that he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose any voters. I fear he’s correct.

      The Democrats have proven incapable thus far of landing a punch that counts. I think they’re trying to ‘one up’ Trump, which plays right into his wheelhouse.

      You said it all with that one. The definition of smarts has changed. And not for the better.

      Liked by 2 people

      • The problem is that the Dems don’t need to land a punch to win this situation. They need to show what real governance looks like and they seem incapable of doing so.


        • No, you’re right. But they are circling nonetheless, trying to find that opening. And you couldn’t be more right. Be the adults at the adult table and let the kids table make its mess without contributing to that effort.
          Like, when Governor Cuomo talked about how America was ‘never great’? I cringed! No, that’s exactly what Trump WANTS.


          • Part of the blame here is with the media. We assume that everything politicians do and say is being reported, but that’s not the case. The media reports on what they think will get them viewers. That calculation these days is anything related to attacks and criticisms and impeachment talk. The media believes that the American people won’t tune in for talking heads talking about the policy proposals the Dems are putting forward as a response to Trumpism. Unfortunately, the media is probably right.

            They do this during campaigns as well. It is far easier and more interesting to talk about the horse race — the polling — and the attacks on each other than to cover the substance the campaigns put forward.

            I was talking to a co-worker about this today. What gets news? Occasio-Cortez’s rantings and ramblings, including her 70% tax proposal. Not that the House Dems first piece of major legislation was designed to clean up some of the corruption in our political system. Yes, the latter got a few headlines, but Occasio-Cortez’s every utterance gets top of the page, lead story coverage every single day.

            Liked by 3 people

          • Very true. The media is competing for eyeballs with so many other outlets; and many of those outlets are not constrained by veracity. I think by and large, the traditional media gets it right way more often than not. But it’s important to note that technology’s tentacles have changed the dynamic.

            And yes, you could see the Trump wave grow from a ripple to a tsunami during primary season. Every poll, every attack . . it became like fuel he was siphoning from his opponents.

            Occasio-Cortez is the new media darling just as Jon Ossoff was last fall when he ran in the Sixth District out of Georgia. The Democrats are playing this as if it’s NBA basketball for Christ sakes! And yes, in so doing . . they are never minding the matters that count. They’re looking for a rock star rather than being the voice of reason inside of this insanity.

            Liked by 2 people

  2. At this point, I’d welcome a moldy bagel. *Sigh.* The institution of the president is so damaged and like you, I don’t think AOC is quite the answer. I wish the young NY legislator would dance in the background for a while instead of being the latest shiny item the media focuses on non-stop.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Monika,

      I was once a Reagan Republican who saw things one way and one way only. Over time, experience and the people in my life, that changed. Not through indoctrination or witchcraft, but through living a life and being a human being. I am not who I used to be, and I happen to think that’s a good thing. That said, I understand and relate to so much of what both sides have to say and offer. I respect someone with a differing opinion, and even if I do not agree, I do listen and learn.

      This President has always been a one way street. And unfortunately, the people who still stand behind him are of that same mindset. This isn’t simply about a differing opinion. This is about the responsibility of the office he holds being upended. He ignores the fact that he leads EVERYONE, or is supposed to. Not simply those who voted for him.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’ve never seen anything quite like this guy. As a naturalized citizen, I take this whole civics thing seriously. He has broken my admiration for the country and figure our world standing won’t be restored in my lifetime. The damage is so sever. It breaks my heart.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. B,

    The one good thing about arriving late to one of your parties, is the chance to read all your brilliant (and they are) readers’ comments that add to an already brilliant text.

    We, up north, look at our prime minister, many with total disgust, and shake out heads but find ourselves realising our devil is small potatoes compared to yours.

    More than one someone has to do something to stop his reign… it’s reached epic proportions of masse destruction no one could have fully predicted…

    You are more welcome to join our circus, it’s a tad less scary and the clown at the top is less volatile.

    Hugs from the Great White North,


    Liked by 1 person

  4. My mother used to pick her Republican to vote for based on attractiveness — NOT SO THIS TIME for sure. I wish she, and all who vote that way, would have stuck to that this past time. So many better looking candidates! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Like you, I’m middle of the road with no party affiliation. I trust my eyes also, which means I trust nothing or no one in Washington. It’s a Petri dish. Both sides. Has been for many years, and I don’t see it getting better any time soon. Shame on us for letting it get to this point.

    Liked by 1 person

    • George,

      A petri dish . . . superb analogy.

      And yes, it is shameful and yes, we only have to look as far as the nearest mirror to figure out who got us to this place.

      Thanks for the chime! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • People have literally been Brainwashed. Me as well. I think we have become acceptant of the unacceptable, and your right, most are not educating themselves and many, as I was are very afraid to ask what is going on here, folks just hope it works out. Anyway, I apologize for the razor blade pen and I will be returning. I followed you. Maybe you can help me out, I just signed up for the app and I have no clue what I am going. I wish you all the best and I am sorry. Peace kiddo

        Liked by 1 person

        • Shawn,

          I’m reading you backwards here, so I haven’t gotten to the other replies yet. And don’t worry, I can take the razor blade pen. I’m really good with debating and discussion and I even like to shake hands after. Sans the hand grenade.

          So Imma venture in now. Wish me luck!

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks for the Goodfellas narration. Unfortunately it is the pinnacle of your article. I am writing this more for the other readers than the author who has written a virtue signal piece. Any points made based on opinions or feelings are not valid for what we are dealing with. This author whines over being Saddled with a president who wants to secure our border and protect Americans. The author would have you believe, it is like burning bridges, analogous even. Wtf does that mean. The illegal immigrants and cartels will be upset with us? I got 1,May the bridges I Burn, light my way. The left is so subversive, I am sure that this yellow “blogger” is anti American. At this point there exists no middle of the road. I’m sure you are all aware of the dangers of being in the middle of the road. When you educate yourself, you may find out, Churchill knew exactly what and who was bombing the UK, and perhaps involved himself. Boom. That’s your mind blowing up. Do research, look into who funded the Nazis. Do you think they just emerged from a depression with money for Tanks, planes, arms all of it. Before you ever write a bullshit piece of garbage again, know what it is you are writing about. And choose a position. If you don’t stand up for something, you are going to fall for anything.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dammit, I am so pissed at myself for not reading this first! If only because the reply would have been entertaining for the both of us, LOL.

      You don’t do gray area. And I happen to dig that very much. My whole thing is that my seemingly “middle of the road” position really isn’t that at all. Maybe I WOULD be better off going back to one side or choosing the other, but it wouldn’t be how I feel, so I can’t.

      If nothing else, we both have come to an understanding of the other rather quickly, no? And I think we understand that these things DO matter to us, in different ways.



      • Bloomberg just compared Warren’s wealth tax to Venezuela and said. Kamalas Medicare 4 all will bankrupt us. That’s part of what I think is needed. Be honest about how free stuff is going to be paid for. Free Everything can’t work, and it destroys (which is worse) our drive, worth and esteem.. People hear free this or that and like you originally said they get an ice pick in the head instead. And then Belle gets no Danish. I will ttyl spider. Next time “Drinks are on The House”


    • Okay, getting there. Haven’t read the one you’re referring to yet, but before I do . . apologies are unnecessary. If we can’t get a little pissed off and heated, after which we agree to disagree, then what the hell?

      Your communications are no doubt fine. Blowing a gasket isn’t a crime.

      Liked by 1 person

      • 🤔 So your not CIA after all? I am glad I got the chance to meet you. On Twitter bro it’s either echo chamber or Racist. By the way Goodfellas is my favorite. I hope that we get a chance to discuss some things in the future.. All the best Buddy

        Liked by 1 person

        • No CIA here amigo. Which is eggsactly what a CIA dude would say . . dammit! LOL.

          Now, if you had a problem with Goodfellas, we would have to throw down big time!

          I do as well.

          Best to you 88.

          Liked by 1 person

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