174 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

  1. Q,

    Okay, if I bring in the hype machine, things are going to get carazy! But Imma do it nonetheless. Because I can deal with crazy and all of its complicated sisters and brothers just fine. Soooo. I will say this about your photograph.

    National Geographic.

    Yes, it’s like I opened up a copy of National Geographic and plucked this beauty of a capture from it. Because it’s exactly that good. So wow. And whoa.



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  2. Sorry for my own tardiness. Don’t like viewing Dale Rogerson on my phone since I always feel cheated.

    Well, if a winged creature could be a ballerina, she’s in, and I’d dare even Jerome Robbins, if he were still alive that is, to differ.

    It’s got that Avedon feel to it, how he caught models in flight as if they stopped in midair just for him. Yes, the birdie has lots of potential. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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