Casting Call For Heroes Fans

Image result for ted williams

If you’re a regular to this joint, then you’ve probably happened upon the Heroes episodes we dish up every Friday for your viewing feel good. You kept things going when I thought maybe it was just a phase. And by you, I mean anyone who looks forward to this little corner of the world when the end of the week comes calling.

You made Heroes a place worth coming to. I simply captained the thing into harbor thanks to your earnest chimes, which behave very much like gold on the dollar when it comes to the keeping on. So . . I don’t do this kind of thing but I figured maybe one or two or three of you might be down with it.

Send me a story that hits you in the feel good and I’ll post it on Friday. You can simply provide the link in your comment and I’ll make sure it gets pub love. Worst case scenario is nobody contributes and Heroes still shows up in the regularly scheduled programming. Best case scenario is I get all the stories I need through you for this week, and if it’s more than five? Well . . I ain’t presumptuous like that, but a boy is allowed to dream.

As for writing, I was practicing my short game this morning. I hope you like.

He remembered back to those nights inside the dusty wings of a very forgettable March. Back into the hopeless design of bad news gone caterwaul in episodic bonfires that left Caesar’s ghost to hemorrhage in its eternal playpen.  The days painted themselves in a haphazard chaste whose vicious prongs were sinking empires across the globe. And so he peddled elixirs in the recitations of Angelou, Wilde, Cummings, Morrison and his personal favorite, Kinsella.

The spoken verses were akin to candles in a church, sacred vows left behind by masters and mistresses of the written word for the sake of prayer. Each syllable a testimonial to the peaceful resistance of words inside a chaotic world. The stories were plush to his fractured brain, and the sound of each word tasted like fruit as it trespassed his lips. And he went on like this, plucking a snippet here and a paragraph there and joining them together in a brilliant quilt whose song redeemed the shadowy fates.

It went like this from March into April and then with May came the first idea that life would begin to take its traditional place setting back. Only now, he had ashes to confer to the winds of change. The world, his world, would prove to be extraordinarily different with each step into whatever came next. Oh sure, it was easy to promise such a thing when the end of the world had seemed an abject patent. All the same, he was aligned to a different star from here on out. And he knew it was impossibly difficult to comprehend, but he had seen the beginning inside the merciless clench of the end.

So it was that a June day found him tucked into a box seat along the third base line, holding to a foot long as his beer lost its froth. The sun shone down like a promise from Jay Gatsby, full of a million different promises. The field was a stained glass portrait of emerald fusing with ivory and caramel. How could he have ever taken such a beautiful thing as an early summer day at the ballpark for granted?

He cried at the thought.

70 thoughts on “Casting Call For Heroes Fans

  1. I absolutely love this idea❣️❣️ Sharing is caring and we all can really use some feel good stories these days. I found this story about some local distillers (I do note other state’s are doing the similar thing) who retrofitted their equipment to make and give away hand sanitizers for firefighters and other first responders. The state fast tracked approval to make the switch on the equipment. This story really touched me since a few years ago the Town of Lyons flooded and resulting in being completely cut off from in-or-out access to any surrounding areas/towns. They lost their water/sewer plant. It took months for the state to rebuild roads in to repair/replace damaged homes/buildings. To be able to come back and give to their community makes them big-time heros in my book.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. This was an excellent piece, Pilgrim. That reference to the footlong was genius. My contribution to heroes is a Matthew McConaughey motivational speech. As you know he is very interested in Austin and the welfare of its people. He made this video to attempt to calm us all. This was above and beyond the call of duty.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. B,

    You beautiful soul, you. No, no, don’t even try. You may call yourself simply a captain of this series but you know it wouldn’t be here if not for you.

    And what a wonderful idea of bringing this community together for more! Love it.

    AND. Your short game practice? When you write like this… it is a thing of beauty. Yes, I like the thought of June being the new beginning. Methinks there are a few who will want to throw away their typewriters upon reading your words. And may I add, kudos to you for not stating the obvious?

    And… my two cents’ worth to your heroes is this: Cuba is reviled by the American government and that is a sad state of affairs. They, however, are often quick to send help when needed.

    I tip my hat off to you for this,


    Liked by 1 person

    • Q,

      Yes, but it would not have kept keeping on if not for the love y’all sent to the corner of Friday and feel good. I captained it along BECAUSE of that love.

      Good things. Thinking and breathing the good things so we don’t succumb to that which, really . . we have no control over as it is. We DO have control over our actions, yes. But so much of this is out of our hands. So good thoughts, we need em.

      Nonsense. So much great stuff going on to which I am but a branch on the tree. But it’s a mighty fine tree and I dig the neighbors lots. 😉

      I now have THREE stories! Just wow . . I’m teary eyed and a tad bit lost for words because I hoped but didn’t overthink this. Just try it, yanno? I can’t wait to post this comment so I can bookmark yours for Friday and then read it.

      I bow a gracious and humble bow to you, lovely.

      Thank you. Thank U. Love you.


      Liked by 1 person

  4. How about Rand Paul??? Whose positive test forced enough Republican Senators to self-quarantine that they didn’t have the votes to pass the first version of the stimulus package – the one with a $500 billion give away to corporations.

    No. Ok, let me get back to you on this.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Great idea involving we peeps. Speaking of Peeps, there isn’t a run on them at the grocery store. As far as your short game, awesome … I stand in awe …. bow to the master …. Someone we know would proclaim it as HUGE, the best ever, an American art form, Best Ever Short Game.

    Liked by 1 person

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