Celebrating Tuesday! Said no one, ever.

Happy Tuesday

I feel sorry for Tuesdays. Tuesday is like the middle child that gets left with the grandparents when the family goes to Disney World. Whereas Monday is the high profile villain we love to hate and Wednesday has achieved a low key Friday status, Tuesday ain’t got much of anything going on.

So in keeping with this unfortunate legacy, I’ve decided to loose a few observations. If you’re expecting some earth shattering, award winning shit, I apologize in advance . . .

  • Oreos comes out with a new flavor every five minutes, and it always makes me envious of those communist countries.
  • Dan LeBatard broached a topic I have often wondered about. LeBron James is getting better at an age when regression happens with the very best players. Is this nature, hard work or a science experiment? And if there is some lab work going on, is there a chance in hell the NBA would expose its Chosen One?
  • I passed a lawn sign that read “Think Snow” and I wondered if that home owner has a death wish.
  • You can get two steaks at Applebee’s for like fifteen bucks, which is the culinary equivalent of those infomercials where you buy one crappy product and they give you another one absolutely free.
  • All this time later, the fine ladies of En Vogue are still honey to my musical senses.
  • I want a job in the Trump administration. I’d work for a week or two, get fired and enjoy my sweet severance package on the other side while I did the book circuit.
  • I want to see Infinity War simply for the spectacle. But is it wrong to admit I would bag it for a good (non-Applebee’s) steak dinner with martinis?
  • That’s not a dig at the Avengers. It’s me confessing that I am incapable of dressing myself in zeitgeist.
  • Other things which do not fascinate me in the same way they seem to fascinate every one else include fireworks, bacon cheeseburgers, playlists, Comedy Central, Ed Sheeran, board games, tank tops, gadgets and reality shows.
  • Until very recently, I had no idea American Idol had returned. And from the ratings, it seems no one else did either.
  • See? I’m not always a cranky outlier. . .
  • So North and South Korea can make nice after almost three quarters of a century worth of conflict, but these assholes can’t make nice at a corn-hole tournament fundraiser? Got it.
  • Is there any doubt Marie Antoinette would’ve run a bakery if she’d been born in this time period?
  •  If you dig the eighties, you might want to read Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, because it is chock full of references to the decade I will always love most. And no . . I won’t see the movie.
  • It’s always interesting to note that the uproar over those anthem protests spits in the face of the same basic freedoms and liberties that the people hating on those protesters purport to believe in. It has cost talented players their livelihood while never minding the fact that the NFL was paid by our military to put on those flag shows. What? You thought the league invested their own money in those field sized flags and spectacular flyovers? Nah, the league only found patriotism after our military came to them with an offer. And the league only gave back- a portion- of the money after it was reported. The owners are plenty fine with employing criminals who beat up women and kill dogs, but they simply do not dig the optics of the flag protest. Simple as that.

Well, I could go on but the meds are kicking in and the voices in my head are getting sleepy. Apologies to Jurassic Park movies and Chocolate Twinkies for being left in the green room, but I just ran out of time. They will be welcomed back with open arms though!

Happy Wednesday Eve.

89 thoughts on “Celebrating Tuesday! Said no one, ever.

    • I dig Thursday. As I get older, I dig it even more than Friday in some ways. Because it’s the promise of Friday that is more special to me now that I ain’t going out every Friday night like I used to in my younger days.

      Thank you for the props!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Bwahaha. Your Tuesday observations are wonderful. Yeah, you do have to feel sorry for Tuesday’s. The day no one cares a whit about. Unless Monday is your normal day off thereby making Tuesday your beginning of the week villain. Now you’ve got me jonesing for a chocolate Twinkie with that subliminal suggestions. My only question now is why the hell is there no Twinkie emoji?!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tails,

      Why thank ya, thank ya very much! And yes, great point about Tuesday being Monday if you don’t work Mondays . . Hadn’t thought of that.
      As for the subliminal content of this ad, maybe I should have a warning label on my posts . . .
      True thing! The Twinkie emoji! It would change everything!

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          • Ugha Bugga, you right! And the favored status munchies would be like the Golden Knights, . . filching all the attention. Sorry, but you mentioned filching earlier, and it’s a great word!

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          • We have so many of those things and people these days, don’t we? And from here on out, I will only refer to that team that shall not be named as The Microwaves.

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          • LOL-I can think of all kinds of names for the team who shall no longer be named out loud but I’m not sure they’re printable in a public blog! If only the power is up to 10 on that microwave. Kablooey!

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          • Which is why we will be rooting on our peeps north of the border!
            I had a similar hatred for the Arizona Diamondbacks when they were successful right out of the gate. Bunch of high quality veterans, a great manager and they won 100 games right away! And to make matters worse, they defeated my beloved Yankees in the 2001 World Series. In only their fourth year of existence!

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          • Of all the expansion clubs, I’m fine with the Rockies. They experienced expansionism the old school way . . they sucked for a while.
            Not like the Marlins and D’Backs and the Microwaves.
            Ugh! I was so pissed when the Yankees signed Randy Johnson back in the day. Outside of the time they signed Clemens, it was bad. I never rooted against a Yankee, but I never rooted for those two either.

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          • The sucking continues. They’ve had some amazing players. And then there’s the owner who count manage his way outa paper bag. Course, the fact that hitters can tag the ball in the Mile High atmosphere doesn’t help their pitchers, but some guys manage to get traded and go great. Elsewhere. The Monforts manage to screw them up in ever more stupid ways, each season. Randy Johnson was the kind of player you almost loved to hate wherever he went.

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          • They had the 2007 team that had a magical run to the postseason. And Clint Hurdle was a likable skipper. And yes, they’ve had a bunch of fun players in their time. Dante Bichete’s swing loved that mile high air. Todd Helton, Mr Rockie. And Larry Walker was always fun.
            Randy Johnson was such a miserable dude.

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          • Oh man…now you’ve done it-brought back some happy memories. Denver was the home of Rocktober! Dante and Larry…Vinny Castillo and of course the Cat…Andreas Galarrago. *Sigh* I was a big fan of Don Baylor when he coached the Rocks, though Clint Hurdle was a good guy too. He’s done well with the Pirates. Good for him. Randy always reminded me of an evil coke dealer.

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          • I forgot the Cat, one of the original Expos if I’m not mistaken. And Don Baylor, I remember when he played for the Angels. I copied his batting stance when I played as a youngster, lol.
            Bwahahaha! Randy Johnson as an evil coke dealer! That’s perfect!!!!

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          • The Cat was a town favorite back in the day as were the other aforementioned (I took the Cat’s batting stance in my softball days and could actually hit in right field frequently). And short-stop, Walt Weiss-another truly good guy. They did so much for pro baseball getting its start here. And then there are the Monfort’s who take incompetence to a whole nutter level. Don Baylor signed a Rockies cap for me. I didn’t realize his career as a player and how he could pound the ball. A truly good guy who passed away way too soon.

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          • There is nothing worse than an ownership group that is clueless. I think rich people believe they can run a sports team the way they would run just about any other business, but it doesn’t work that way. In sports, you have to be able to delegate, not micromanage. And at the same time, you can’t completely ignore the product either.
            Don Baylor will always be a favorite.

            Liked by 1 person

  2. B,

    I absolutely have to mention that poor Tuesday can sometimes be a Monday, as Tails said. However, in the generic, regular ho-hum week. Tuesday sucks. That must be why We have cheapie Tuesday Movie Nights, or special $1.00/oyster night or “Ladies Night” where women drink for half-price… It’s the business world’s way of trying to give Tuesday some cred….

    Now… dissing the one chain in the US we don’t loathe, is not cool. Applebee’s holds very special memories to my family… just sayin’. You can keep your Twinkies. I have to agree with the bacon cheeseburger. What’s the big whup? Too often the bacon is undercooked anyway (blech!)… Really? No tank tops? Interesting…

    K. I’ll stop here because I could comment on each point!

    Peace, Tank tops, and good meds…


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love the post … and an awesome addition to Tuesday. OK … I worked till 1 … then golf 9 holes as a warm up for league an hour+ later. At league, had a good round going after 5, but limped home on the final 4. Must be have due to a lack of a chocolate Twinkie.

    Lebron is off the charts. Best player in this era. I think a corn-hole tournament crossing the border be awesome! As far as your job in the Trump administration, apply for the Director of Shit.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Cincy,

      It was a good day! And yes, you needed that chocolate Twinkie pick me up by mid afternoon. Well, it also doubles as an anchor so there’s that.
      LBJ is the best of his era, and who knows about all time? That’s for the pundits. Having seen him and Jordan in person, can’t say I would be willing to have to choose one when they both were so damned exciting to watch play.
      A corn hole tournament crossing the line is the only corn hole tournament I am interested in watching.
      Funny you should say that because Director of Shit is an actual position . . .

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I want to see a mash-up where Thanos faces down the dinosaurs, in Jurassic Park X. Oh, wait, he has his own asteroids? Son of a gun! Ed Sheeran would, of course, sing the closing credits anthem.


  5. Um, I like Tuesday. It’s like its name… two… the second day of the work week. And then there’s Til Tuesday, so couldn’t have that without Tuesday.

    I also don’t understand why everyone seems to like that Taylor Swift person.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. So much to love here I’m torn between your love for En vogue or your plan to game the Trump administration. Tuesday’s aren’t all that bad. Studies found Tuesdays to be the most productive work day.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. If we went down to a four day work week, Tuesdays would be extra super duper productive. I think you should lobby Trump on that. He’d probably only agree if the press took a day off.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Which is the off day? Friday? Because if the off day is Monday, then Tuesday becomes Monday. And so Wednesday becomes the most productive day since it’s, yanno . . the new Tuesday. Got all that?
      I WOULD lobby Trump on it, but he would simply refer to it as fake news Of course . . .

      Liked by 2 people

    • Speaking as Trump . . .
      “And did you see this Marco character? He wants to ban Tuesdays! Can you imagine that? But it’s never gonna happen folks! Never gonna happen!”


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