56 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

  1. A Dandelion in leaf. Its seeds are like little parachutes that fly away with the wind, spreading and growing more of them. I Googled that.
    Your photo reminds me of a hat I had…a fancy gray cap I LOVED, long gone, like a dandelion. You always evoke sweet memories for me. 🙂

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  2. Q

    The best part of these captures . . . well, another one of the best parts of these captures . . . is that I can look at em, get all up close and personal and nary a sneeze to be had in the transaction.

    The other best parts all come back to one thing. Beauty.


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  3. 👏👏👏 Beauty! ⚡️💥
    … and the arms reached out of the asp with 📷 in hand to capture it.
    (hehehe.. guess that going to be a mystery to anyone else!)

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